Tiago Macedo

I am an associate professor of mathematics at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), in Brazil. In the past, I have been a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa (in Canada), an assistant professor at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG-RC), and a Ph.D. student at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).
I am currently working on a research project, teaching an undergraduate level class and a graduate level class at Unifesp. I am also an editor of the journal Communications in Mathematics and chair of the Graduate Program in Pure and Applied Mathematics at Unifesp. More detailed information about me can be found in my Currículo Lattes and on my Github profile.
The best way to contact me is via email at tmacedo@unifesp.br.
I am interested in homological algebra, representation theory, combinatorial optimization and operations research.
Published papers
Rain and flood informed vehicle routing problem
Annals of LV meeting of the Brazilian Operations Research Society (2023).
Joint work with G. Delgado, L. Santos and L. Salles-Neto. -
Finite-dimensional representations of map superalgebras
Linear Algebra and its Applications 676, 104-130 (2023).
Joint work with Lucas Calixto. -
Optimization of heterogeneous loads transport (in portuguese)
Annals of LIV meeting of the Brazilian Operations Research Society (2022).
Joint work with D. Alves, R. Filho, L. Salles-Neto, H. Yanasse, and M. Lima. -
Local Weyl modules and fusion products for the current superalgebra sl(1|2)[t]
Journal of Algebra 604, 224-256 (2022).
Joint work with Matheus Brito and Lucas Calixto. -
Demazure and Weyl modules for hyperalgebras of twisted current algebras
Bulletin of Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series, 53, 69–93 (2022).
Joint work with Angelo Bianchi. -
Weyl modules and Weyl functors for Lie superalgebras
Algebras and Representation Theory 22, no 3, 723-756 (2019).
Joint work with Irfan Bagci and Lucas Calixto. -
Irreducible modules for equivariant map superalgebras and their extensions
Journal of Algebra 517, 365-395 (2019).
Joint work with Lucas Calixto. -
Invariant polynomials on truncated multicurrent algebras
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223, no 1, 349-368 (2019).
Joint work with Alistair Savage. -
Automorphisms of Ideals of Polynomial Rings
Bulletin of Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series, 49, no 1, 1-15 (2018).
Joint work with Thiago Castilho de Mello. -
On Demazure and local Weyl modules for affine hyperalgebras
Pacific Journal of Mathematics 274, no 2, 257-303 (2015).
Joint work with Angelo Bianchi and Adriano Moura. -
Second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type
Journal of Algebra 360, 21-52 (2012).
Joint work with UGA VIGRE algebra group.
Unpublished works
Extensions for Generalized Current algebras
Joint work with B. Boe, C. Drupieski and D. Nakano. -
Characters and cohomology of modules for affine Kac-Moody algebras and generalizations
Ph.D. thesis, defended at Unicamp in June 2013. -
Notes on flag varieties and representation theory (in portuguese)
Short course taught during the VI Brazilian Mathematical Society Biennial. Unicamp. Dec. 2012.
Joint work with Lonardo Rabelo. -
Hyperalgebras and algebraic groups (in portuguese)
Masters thesis, defended at Unicamp in February 2009.
This semester at Unifesp:
- Numerical Calculus for second-year Science and technology majors,
- Linear Algebra for masters in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
Previous semesters at Unifesp
- Linear Algebra. Second year Science and Technology majors.
- Numerical Calculus for second-year Science and technology majors. 2023.
- Linear Algebra for second-year Science and Technology majors. 2023.
- Numerical Calculus for second-year Science and technology majors. 2022.
- Lie algebras for masters in Pure and Applied Math. 2022.
- Linear algebra for second-year Science and technology majors. 2022.
- Abstract Algebra for third-year Science and technology majors. 2021.
- Analytic Geometry for first-year Science and technology majors. 2021.
- Calculus I for first-year Science and technology majors. 2021.
- Point-set Topology for masters in Pure and Applied Math. 2020.
- Analytic Geometry for first-year Science and technology majors. 2020.
- Calculus I for first-year Science and technology majors. 2020.
- Analytic Geometry for first-year Science and technology majors. 2019.
- Lie Algebras for masters in Pure and Applied Math. 2019.
- Multivariable Calculus for second-year Science and technology majors. 2019.
- Point-set Topology for masters in Applied Math. 2018.
- Analytic Geometry for first-year Science and technology majors. 2018.
- Multivariable Calculus for second-year Science and technology majors. 2018.
- Abstract Algebra for third-year Science and technology majors. 2017.
- Abstract Algebra for Masters in Applied Math. 2017.
- Linear Algebra for second-year Science and technology majors. 2017.
- Geometry for masters in mathematics for secondary education. 2016.
- Analytic Geometry for first-year Science and technology majors. 2016.
- Linear Algebra for second-year Science and technology majors. 2015.
- Multivariable Calculus for second-year Science and technology majors. 2014.
- Numerical Calculus for second-year Science and technology majors. 2014.
Classes taught at UFG
- Multivariable Calculus for mathematics education majors. 2014.
- Introduction to Category Theory for science and engineering majors. 2014.
- Linear Algebra for industrial mathematics majors. 2014.
- Multivariable Calculus for science and engineering majors. 2013.
- Numerical Calculus for science and engineering majors. 2013.
Current students
João Vinícius Farah Colombini: graph theory.
Major in Science and Technology at Unifesp. August 2023 - . -
Leonardo de Medeiros: tropical geometry.
Major in Mathematics at Cornell. June 2024 - .
Students' dissertations
Aline Jaqueline Andrade: Superálgebras de Lie de dimensão finita.
Masters in Pure and Applied Math. Unifesp, February 2021. -
Luiz Filipe Moraes: Introdução à Geometria Algébrica.
Major in Computational Mathematics. Unifesp, February 2021.
Administrative services
Chair of the Graduate Program in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
Unifesp. July 2023 - present. -
Editor of Communications in Mathematics.
January 2022 - present. -
Representative of Mathematics in the Institute of Science and Technology Executive Committee.
Unifesp. December 2017 - present. -
Representative of Mathematics in the Department of Science and Technology Council.
Unifesp. September 2021 - August 2023. -
Representative of Mathematics in the Curriculum Committee.
Unifesp. March 2017 - July 2022. -
Member of the Applied Mathematics Undergraduate Committee.
Unifesp. March 2018 - February 2022. -
Representative of PROFMAT in the Graduate Studies and Research Committee.
Unifesp. April - August, 2015 and August 2016 - March 2017. -
Search committee for temporary professor.
UFG. February - May, 2014. -
Graduate Student Ombudsman on the Mathematics Graduate Committee.
Unicamp. May 2012 - May 2013.
Organization of meetings
- CIMPA School on Non-associative Algebras and their Applications. Madagascar (online). September 2021.
- Pure and Applied Math Seminars. Unifesp. March - July, 2020.
- Mathematical Café. Unifesp. September 2014 - June 2015.
- High School Teachers Perfectioning Program (PAPMEM). Unifesp. July 2015.
- III Workshop de Álgebra da UFG-CAC. UFG. October 2014.
- Seminário Semanal de Álgebra. UFG. November 2013 - June 2014.
- II Workshop de Álgebra da UFG-CAC. April 2014.
- PAPMEM (High School Teachers Perfectioning Program). UFG. January 2014.
- I Workshop de Álgebra da UFG - CAC. November 2013.
- VII Encontro dos Pós-Graduandos do IMECC. September 2012.
- Graduate students seminar. IMECC. Fall 2009, Spring 2010 and Fall 2011.